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英國首相 Rishi Sunak, 他能鼓舞印度和巴基斯坦嗎?

發表於 : 2022-11-14, 00:10
文章 由 MoneyMan » 週日 10月 30, 2022 3:23 am
In the lunch after the Zoom Seminar, one topic was the rise of India. One surprising point was that the person who might unite India is the new prime minister of U.K., Rishi Sunak!

(1) The News was great joy in India. The name, Rishi Sunak, is hot. Almost every Indian heard of him and feel proud of him. The relationship between India and U.K. will improve rapidly.

(2) U.K. needs a new direction after departure from European Union. U.K. has the technology, the capital and the knowledge to become prosperous. It needs a place to use such capability. India is an ideal place. Almost all Indians want India to rise similar to China. The biggest obstacle is the dis-unity in India. India needs someone to unite the Nation. The Idol or the Hero is Rishi Sunak!

(3) It is very likely that Rishi Sunak will be able to vastly increase the trade between India and U.K. with great benefits to both.

(4) Capital is not a problem as all Nation learnt that increasing money supply in step with increased infrastructure, products and services is good and necessary.

(5) Talent is not a problem as many Indians have proven their capability as CEOs of major Companies.

(6) The will to succeed is there - both in U.K. and in India. India is projected to overtake the U.S. economy in 2050 and may compete with China for the top spot afterwards. India has the population base.

(7) China was once named the sick man of Asia in the Ching dynasty in the 1900s. The Civil War afterwards with the Warlords dimmed any hope of becoming prosperous. The Cultural Revolution set China back. But the rise of 鄧小平 and the subsequent opening up of China changed all that. Will Rishi Sunak be the catalyst similar to 鄧小平?

(8) Sunak's grandparents originated from British India but their birthplace Gujranwala lies in modern day Pakistan's Punjab province. Thus, in an odd way, the new British leader is both an Indian and a Pakistani! Sunak is pride to both Nations.

Re: 英國首相 Rishi Sunak, 他能鼓舞印度和巴基斯坦嗎?

發表於 : 2022-11-14, 00:20

(1) 歷史上的偉人,在未成功時,多不被看好.




(5) 印度和巴基斯坦都以他為榮. Sunak 能善用這機会嗎?

Re: 英國首相 Rishi Sunak, 他能鼓舞印度和巴基斯坦嗎?

發表於 : 2022-11-14, 00:22
It's unthinkable, but it also has merit.

(1) The great men in history are often not favored when they are not yet successful.

(2) A competent Indian citizen, regardless of nationality, age, religion, gender, is willing to support him.

(3) His grandfather was born in Pakistan, and Pakistanis are happy to support him.

(4) Support can be in the form of a think tank or in other ways. The CEOs of many large companies with Indian blood will also support him.

(5) Both India and Pakistan are proud of him. Can Sunak take advantage of this opportunity?

Re: 英國首相 Rishi Sunak, 他能鼓舞印度和巴基斯坦嗎?

發表於 : 2022-11-14, 00:26
U.K. will always have food, energy and knowledge. India, Pakistan and many developing nations are moving in that direction. One solution is to help them get rich faster. Another is to try to slow them down. Which one is on higher moral ground?

When a Developing Nation is faced with
(a) Someone X helping them get rich faster;
(b) Someone Y trying to hinder or slowing them from getting rich.

Which someone will they support (X or Y)? The answer should be obvious. Y may be controlling more resources or telling more lies. X will win at the end. The important thing for X to remember is keep the Nuclear Arsenal large and safe enough that Y dare not start any strike.

U.K. is in a someone Z position. U.K. does not need to be on the side of X or Y. It will post no threat to X or Y. U.K. can act as an independent X and help any Developing Nation get rich faster.

Can Rishi Sunak see that and act in that direction?

Re: 英國首相 Rishi Sunak, 他能鼓舞印度和巴基斯坦嗎?

發表於 : 2022-11-14, 00:32
Comments from Larry Chow 周全浩

Good Video on 共同富裕 but she did not mention, or she did not realize one Economic Principle.

Government could and should increase the Money supply in step with the increase in Products, Services or Meaningful Economic Activities.

In other words, the Chinese Government should keep the capable to increase the pie and print more money (in step) to distribute to help every citizen enjoy a better living.

The above Economic Principle is not understood by many Officials doing the execution. They reduced the incentive or hindered the capable in increasing the pie.

共同富裕 on a static or diminishing pie is NOT meaningful.


(1) 若有一孤立的10,000人村鎮,土地肥沃,夠食,夠日用品,平均每人每月一千元便夠用了.銀行体制有一千萬便可應付.
(2) 有人發明了單車,十分好用,人人都購賣. 發明家定價500元.
(3) 理論上,五百萬元流入發明家口袋.他富了.但其他人只剩五百元,不夠用.
(4) 若政府不印錢,一人富有了,其他人便窮了.
(5) 若政府印五百萬元修路,讓單車行得更快更好.參與修路的人,平均可賺五百元.
(6) 印錢做基建,令國民生活得更好,國民更支持政府.


(1) 印的錢要和增加的產品,服務同步.濫印錢紙,會令國民對銀紙失去信心.
(2) 政府在私人產品,服務增加時,印錢讓國民多賺,買這些產品和服務,不用抽稅或借債.
(3) 全民都可富有.更會刺激更多發明,產品和服務.
(4) 亂印會令官員貪污,搶買資產.生活必須品高漲,商家亂加價,民不聊生.

(1) 愚蠢的財政司,亂印錢的悪果.
(2) 戰爭或金融大鱷玩弄外匯,令多年儲蓄,化為烏有.
(3) 國民黨在内戰時印錢付軍費.產品和服務減少時印錢是下下策.

大陸政府正努力做大個 pie.
(1) 努力做大個 pie, 方法不對會有反效果.
(2) 如一成功的連鎖店,再開一分店,成功的機會比初創業者大得多.
(3) 若官員誤解共同富裕,讓初創業者開店,不讓連鎖店開分店, pie 做不大,不會共同富裕.
(4) 較好的方法,是讓初創業者學習連鎖店的方法,了解優劣,加盟和改進.也可讓連鎖店多分利潤給顧員或加盟者.(最低工資和最高工時是方法之一)
(5) 亜里巴巴等互聯網巨頭,有技術,有資金,有人才,有信譽,雄霸甚至壟斷市場.政府可入股,替代國外只顧利潤的投資者,學習技術和分紅.適當地控制野蠻發展.也可考慮扶助競爭者.
(6)鼓勵富豪的捐贈,增加他們的名譽和安全感. 強調他們的一個責任,是先富帶後富,共同富裕.